I’m back!

It took me about a month and a half to completely recover from RSV. I do not recommend it.

I think there were several things that came from my illness, though.

  • I quit the class I was taking. I had already gotten what I needed out of it, and due to my illness, I was behind on the project portion of it. I didn’t really need the project, so I withdrew from the class.
  • I think I made an impression on a client who had previously been critical of my insistence upon continuing to mask, even though most people think we’re back to normal after COVID. Since I was so ill for so long, they finally realized that for me, continuing to insist upon preserving my health is a good thing.
  • I was forced to rest completely for three weeks, and to not push myself for another three weeks after that. Enforced rest was a good thing for me, and it allowed me the opportunity to work on not feeling guilt for things that are outside of my control. I spoke with my partner about my guilty feelings on a regular basis, and they were very supportive.
  • I found some YouTubers that really resonate with me, and I’ll be sharing some of their content here and talking about how it affects me.
  • I was able to listen to The Hunger Games again. It hit a lot differently, this time around. I have a deeper appreciation for the entire trilogy, now, and I will write about this, as well.
  • I stopped working on CPTSD for a while. I was just unable to manage healing physically at the same time I tried to heal mentally and emotionally. I’m back, now, though, and I’m really looking forward to writing more.

That’s it for now. I promise I’ll be back and posting more regularly now. I still have to finish A Practical Guide to Complex PTSD, and I’m looking forward to it. I have a lot of ideas for things I want to write about, and I’m actually a bit excited to start digging in again.

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