Month: September 2023

The Power of Friendship

I find it easy to make friendships of the “acquaintance” variety, but I find it incredibly difficult to find and maintain close friendships. The net effect is that I lean on (mostly) one person, outside of my partner. My best friend lives in a different state. They are very busy. They’ve been working so hard The Power of Friendship

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Control and self-discipline

Oh how I love being in control. My partner often accuses me of trying to control everything. I don’t think I do try to control everything, but maybe they’re right. It’s very scary to not be in control. If I’m not in control, bad things can happen. I can lose my stuff (my partner has Control and self-discipline

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Choosing artwork for this blog

I found myself needing to upload a profile picture to sign up for something for this blog, today, and since I don’t want to show my face, I decided to look for some art that might help to show some of the morass of emotions that my past swirls up in me. I went to Choosing artwork for this blog

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Confronting father about his behavior

Several decades ago, I reached out to my then-estranged father. There’s a story behind that that I will tell some other time. Right now, though, I am re-angered by something that happened not too long after we resumed some sort of relationship. I was not really aware of anger when I was younger. I was Confronting father about his behavior

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Traumatic dreams

Last night, I had another traumatic dream. I have these fairly regularly. Usually, they involve some strange situation that could never happen in real life, but last night, I dreamed that my partner of almost 20 years abandoned me. I dreamed that we were in some other city and were supposed to go to a Traumatic dreams

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Better Off Than Some…

I never used to think that what happened to me as a kid was all that bad. After all, I was better off than some… I was better off than kids that got beaten regularly. I was better off than kids who grew up in poverty. I was better off than kids with serious illnesses. Better Off Than Some…

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